PDMA Carolinas Student Innovation Competition

April 2023

EnteroFlux recently competed in the PDMA Carolinas Student Innovation Competition and won 2nd place, taking home a prize amount of $750 towards initial product procurement and device prototyping. They won PDMA membership and invitations Innovate Carolina, the yearly PDMA Carolinas Conference. Lastly, the EnteroFlux team was introduced to promising entrepreneurial opportunities and industry connections.
PROGRAM INFORMATION: The Product Development and Management Association (Carolina chapter). For more information, visit: https://www.pdma.org/.
NCSU/UNC i4 Competition Winners

Winter 2022-2023

EnteroFlux recently competed the yearly i4 Competition and won first place awards of $1,000 (first round) and $1,000 (second round) towards initial product procurement and device prototyping. In addition, the EnteroFlux team was introduced to promising entrepreneurial opportunities and industry connections
PROGRAM INFORMATION: The i4 Program is a novel initiative within the UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering that melds traditional undergraduate engineering education with biomedical entrepreneurship. Composed of four phases of need IdentificationIdeationInnovation and Implementation, this design program culminates in an annual competition awarding a financial prize that supports further intellectual property development and the eventual formation of student-founded companies. Bringing talented students together with highly accomplished academic, clinical and industry professionals, the i4 Program drives young, innovative entrepreneurship into the Triangle region while fostering the creation of practical solutions to real-world problems.